Sunday, January 26, 2020
Pressure on Women for Perfect Bodies
Pressure on Women for Perfect Bodies Society, a word used to describe a group of people in a opinionated state. JudgingÃâà and basing a theory on one another and showing hate on the way someone looks and appears. This has caused both Boys and girls to feel pressured for the positive attention of others, online and in person . all people want is to feel wanted and accepted so they will do anything to be appreciated or praised because of their clothes, luxuries, and most importantly body types. However guys arent as pressured to have better bodies than girls. Girls are put to shame and called names and bullied to the extent of death because of the unrealistic picture of perfect. What is the ideal weight? the question is thrown in the air and tossed around. No one knows the right answer but girls feel insecure and self conscious about how others view them leading to eating disorders whichÃâà have been a common effect caused by the image of perfect the internet has drilled in peoples heads. Unfortunately things are only getting worse girls weighing under 150 pounds and under the age ofÃâà 20 are going into hospitals, and getting help from psychiatrists because of unhealthy eating habits and drug abuse to lose weight . all because of fear of getting bigger orÃâà uglierÃâà to look like someone that the individual looks up to most, as a idol. Whats most surprising is that, to some fans, those photos werent alarming, but inspiring. I admire her, wrote one 19-year-old girl about Mary-Kates increasingly gaunt appearance on a teen Web sites message board devoted to eating disorders. The girl had cut out the skinniest pictures of Mary-Kate, she wrote, and pasted them in my journal, because that is what I am striving to look like.(Ãâà pressure to be perfectÃâà Ãâà ) Many girls see photos of models and famous skinny girls showing their bones and on the verge of anorexia as inspirational and something they strive to look like only because they are famous and looked up to by many. These thought and actions of Eating disorders are not only affecting your physical appearance but also your mental stability.Whats a person to think? Perfect images of perfect celebrities are everywhere. Its enough to make anyone feel insecure or envious( pretty unreal ) Not only are images of most liked celebrities everywhere you look on instagram or the internet but they are engraved in your mind.When you pass a mirror you dont see beauty you see the negatives and silently compare yourself to some complete stranger. In your eyes theyÃâà have a perfect body and a way about them you strive to be instead of being happy with you rself. There is no ideal weight or size and girls so young shouldnt be worrying about such a minor thing so early in life and extreme dieting . These issues are leading to depression and self doubt, confidence is fading and so is happiness in all girls anorexia is glamorized and girls are falsely labeled. In todays generation no one can honestly trust the way someone looks. So much is done to a single picture or video of stars, airbrush effects are done before a photo shoot session or filming and tons of editing for that look of perfection. Its proven that more than half of the films have some type of post production altering done.Most kids such as Leah expect catalog and magazine models to be airbrushed to perfection. But many kids dont realize that movie and television actors can be altered during postproduction. In the last few years, technology has made it possible for editors to change a stars smile, hair and body after the movie has been filmed. We call it beauty work, says Richard E. Greenberg (pressure to be perfect, celebrities have lots of help to make them look flawless)The quote provides proof that alterations ar e done so you arent seeing the real stars so its all fake they dont seriously look like that so why strive to be something non existent . the pressure of perfect bodies come from the feeling of competition to stand out, until then depression and loss of confidenceÃâà are increased. Despite models best efforts, many still dont look good enough for the industry. One hundred percent of fashion photos are retouched, said Brad Adams, a New York City photographer whose retouching service works with advertising agencies. Usually the eyes and teeth are whitened, makeup and skin problems corrected, and hair cleaned up. Models are already thin, but Ive done jobs where even skinny models are made to look skinnier.(pretty unreal)Girls dont think about the time money and editing done to everything now days. The image of perfect still sticks in their minds and makes young people depressed and not appreciate their natural bodies.If movie makers can make up humans imagine what they can do to the real people. Seeing these things hurts you and your body image , you see yourself as less of a person because of a group of peoples opinion on perfect bodies. No one knows what perfection really is different cultures seek perfect in different ways. ultimately your body image has a lot to do with your mind not your body which leads back to confidence and self doubt. Girls health concerns and desire to have a perfect body has made extreme increases in request of plastic surgery before the age of 18. The problem is your body isnt even done growing yet and it brings up concerns about your future and how it will affect you later on in life. A teen girls idea of perfection is a thin waist big butt and larger breast, plastic surgery seems to be the go to solution of the present generations. Its became a huge issue in debate of asking for plastic surgery as gifts and incentives just to be satisfied with how you feel about yourself.Most board-certified plastic surgeons say they usually wont perform implant surgery on girls under 18 unless one breast is much smaller than the other. Girls finishing high school, though, often request-and get-implants as graduation gifts. (pressure to be perfect) Thankfully plastic surgeons are realizing how insane the demand of younger generations wanting plastic surgery has become that they have put limitations and restri ctions on the usage and availability to girls under the age of 18. Alot more then just implants are taking place.Teens are having other cosmetic procedures, such as botox injections and eyelid surgery, in greater numbers too. But plastic surgery carries risks, particularly for teens. Their bodies are not done transforming and changing, says Dr. Lawrence Bass, a board-certified plastic surgeon in New York City. Its like building a house on quicksand-the foundation isnt stable.( pressure to be perfect) Both quotes provide solid examples of just how extreme the pressure to have a perfect body has impacted young girls and just how willing they are to go through surgery to fix their self esteem.Ãâà Making surgery such a easy fix and escape to a problem has caused addiction and health problems along your of growth. A perfect body is a prized possession to many teen girls that means more than life itself, having a bigger butt or bigger breast doesnt make you any better of a person , there is no need in having to stand out. Individuals from all over believe that females have more pressure than males to have the ideal body.Girls get made fun of more about what they look like each year and more are proven to be taking weight loss pills at such a young age. Unhealthy as that is its better than surgery. Many young girls starting in middle school get called names and made fun of but brush it off and dont let it get to them. However after hearing the same stuff for so long you begin to believe what you hear leading to trying out pills to speed up your metabolism.Girls seem particularly prone to body-image issues. When I was younger, it was harder because I wanted to fit in so much, admitted Natalie, 17, of Humphrey, Neb. Erika from Scottsdale added, Im in cheer, and most of my friends want to lose weight. She says she has dieted before and goes to the gym several times a week. Meanwhile, her classmate, Aliraza, 15, says he has never really worried about his looks. Im pretty sure girls have a lot more pressure when it comes to appearance. (pretty unreal) Guys dont start worrying about their bodies till later on in life when they really start looking for a significant other. while girls start worrying about their appearance when they start seeing things they dont like about themselves or when someone has something you dont. Fitting in means a lot a girls if a perfect body will achieve that than what will stop you. Some experts say boys are starting to face the pressures long placed on girls, as buff, bare men proliferate in pop culture. ( a guy thing too )Ãâà .Although girls arent the only ones feeling the pressure its more so drawn into girls to strive to be perfect and have a nice body to attract men. Most men dont get made fun of because of their bodies because they dont care as much as a girl does until later in life.Its not about the body, its just a mental issue. A issue that has been a problem for too long numbers have increased of weight loss pills taken by nearly 15% since 2000. Which may not seem like a lot , but thats one in every six females in the world are taking these pills to maintain a image of perfect. Society has ruined the mental health of women worldwide just because of a perfect body A Lot of change has happened to the mental and physical health of females of all ages since the year 2000. Females strive to have attention and be recognized for a perfect body so bad that things have went to the extreme of surgery at such a young age, taking weight loss pills and having depression issues.psychiatrist have gotten involved in teenages comparing themselves to celebrities and developing eating disorders. Girls are pressured most to have perfect bodies at such a young age it will forever be a issue until people learn to appreciate how unique each individual is made. Works Cited Alpert, Emily. A Guy Thing Too. Los Angeles Times, 14 Jun 2013, pp. A.1. SIRS Discoverer, Beau, Emilie L. Looking Perfect. Chicago Tribune (Chicago, IL), 24 Aug 2006, SIRS Discoverer, Mehta, Julie. Pretty Unreal. Current Health 2 (Vol.31, No.5), Jan 2005, pp. 15+. SIRS Discoverer, Wulff, Jennifer. Pressure to Be Perfect Vol. 62 No. 4. Time Inc, 26 July 2004. Web. 13 Feb. 2017
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Social Capital
In recent decades, many social scientists have drawn attention to the importance of ââ¬Å"social capital. â⬠Social capital is meant to capture the value, economic and otherwise, that comes from social networks, through which people frequently interact with one another. But what if social capital ends up contributing to the rise of extreme movements, including fascism? It is well-established that individuals and societies can gain a great deal from civic institutions, such as parent-teacher associations, athletic leagues, churches and music clubs.High levels of social capital have been associated with numerous social benefits, including improvements in health, promise-keeping, trust, altruism, compliance with the law, child welfare and individual happiness. Harvard University political scientist Robert Putnam has done a great deal to explore the beneficial effects of social capital. In his book ââ¬Å"Bowling Alone,â⬠he documented what he saw as its decline in the U. S. , connecting that decline with a wide range of social problems. Pointing to research by Putnam and others, many people have argued that the U.S. and other nations should make a sustained effort to measure and increase social capital, with particular attention to civic associations that help to generate it. At the same time, social capital can have a dark side. If people are in a social network whose members are interested in committing crimes, the existence of social capital will promote criminal activity. A fascinating recent study called ââ¬Å"Bowling for Fascismâ⬠goes much further: It shows that the rise of Nazism was greatly facilitated by unusually high levels of social capital in Weimar Germany.The research offers an important and novel perspective on Adolf Hitlerââ¬â¢s ascension to power. And by identifying conditions that help to spread extremism, it also offers significant lessons for the present, including the risk of terrorism. The study, conducted by New York Un iversityââ¬â¢s Shanker Satyanath and his co-authors, is based on a wide range of original materials, including Nazi Party membership lists and hand-collected data from 112 German towns.The central question: Who was most likely to join the Nazi Party? In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Germany had an exceptionally vibrant civil society that included clubs involved in hiking, animal breeding, shooting, gymnastics, bowling, fire fighting and singing. The authorsââ¬â¢ principal finding is that in cities with dense networks of clubs and associations, Germans were far more likely to join the Nazi Party. Intheir words, ââ¬Å"a dense fabric of civic associations went hand-in-hand with a more rapid rise of Nazi party membership. â⬠It could be suggested that some independent factor, such as socioeconomic status or religion, accounts both for associational activity and for willingness to join the Nazi Party. But that suggestion is inconsistent with the evidence. Even if we control for these and other variables, a dense network of civic associations is correlated with significantly higher rates of entry into the Nazi Party.This finding undermines the view, held by some, that the Nazi Party succeeded by appealing to people who were socially isolated and that Hitler was able to draw support largely from the lonely and the rootless. But this evidence strongly suggests otherwise. Nazism spread in part as a result of face-to-face interactions by people who were in frequent contact with one another. Consider the chilling remarks of a Nazi Party member who recalled his growing acquaintance ââ¬Å"with a colleague of my own age with whom I had frequent conversations.He was a calm, quiet person whom I esteemed very highly. When I found out that he was one of the local leaders of the National Socialist party, my opinion of it as a group of criminals changed completely. â⬠The authorsââ¬â¢ central findings fit well with emerging research on the immense importanc e of social influences on individual behavior. With respect to music, political convictions, voting and food, we constantly learn from others. Like-minded people tend to go to extremes, in large part because they learn from each other.Within nations and around the world, modern social media connect disparate people and hence build social capital, intensifying social influences on thought and behavior. For the current period, there is a straightforward lesson. Individuals and nations generally benefit from large numbers of private associations, including sports clubs, religious groups and parent-teacher associations. But in some nations, dense social networks also increase peopleââ¬â¢s vulnerability to extremism.A great deal of work suggests that terrorism itself can arise not because people are isolated, poor or badly educated, but because they are part of tightly knit networks in which hateful ideas travel quickly. No one should doubt that private associations are desirable and valuable, and that they can produce a dazzling range of social goods, including checks on the power of government. But Satyanath and his co-authors reveal another possibility: that such associations can facilitate the spread of extremism, ultimately laying the groundwork for serious challenges to democracy itself.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Caribbean Culture
Caribbean Culture Assignment Write an essay supporting the following arguments. Essay 1: The emergence of culture in the Caribbean. ?Culture is often hard to objectively define in a study, but can be simplified as the body of people's expressions, values, meanings and artifacts that anchor peoples' identity. Caribbean culture is identifiably linked to the approaches to survival taken by her peoples. Discuss this statement critically. Essay 2: The intellectual contribution of the Caribbean. Education has forever been a priority for the Caribbean region.From the mass of the Caribbean population have come some of the world's best minds, creative intellect and imagination. The common heritage of a history rooted in exploitation and the struggle for freedom and independence have formed the foundation of an extraordinary commitment to education on the part of Caribbean societies over the years. While some may argue that the quality of education in the region is on the decline there is no d oubt that Caribbean societies continue to maintain education as one of their highest priorities. Discuss this statement critically.Essay 3: ? Caribbean Integration It will be recalled that the Caribbean islands were among the first areas to be impacted by early globalization, in the form of European maritime expansion. The initial result was the extermination of the majority of the indigenous population. There followed mercantilism, slavery and the plantation system, and centuries of rivalry and wars among the major colonial powers. This left a legacy of political and linguistic fragmentation that constitutes the main obstacle to regional integration. Discuss this statement critically.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Human Intelligence Operations Targeted Against Hamas Essay
For hundreds of years human intelligence operations have been conducted. Nation states have always had a desire and a need to know what friendly and unfriendly countries are doing. For national security purposes knowledge is power. Human intelligence collection has changed throughout history and is different depending on who is conducting it. International laws, brokered agreements, internal laws and policies dictate how human intelligence is collected. By looking at a known adversary, one can apply a human intelligence mission in order to defeat or negate the enemiesââ¬â¢ actions. No region is more suitable for human intelligence missions than Israel and the occupied territories of Palestine. Israeli intelligence and the Israeli military haveâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦From the beginning, Muslims have always been unhappy with the presence of Israel in ââ¬Å"Muslim landâ⬠, specifically Palestine. This conflict is the main reason why Hamas was created and why they are so p opular in the Middle East. Hamas officially published its charter or ââ¬Å"The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movementâ⬠on August 18, 1988. Hamas is a Palestinian nationalistic and Islamic fundamentalist organization. The charter spells out the organizations objectives, goals, and end state and has been unchanged to this day. The charter calls upon Islamic jihad in order to take back the land of Palestine that was stolen by Israel. The charter also states the goals of establishing an Islamic Palestinian state in the West Bank and The Gaza Strip, the total destruction of Israel, the return of all Palestinian refugees back to Israel and East Jerusalem, and East Jerusalem be recognized as the Palestinian capital. When Hamas published its charter, it created a rift between the Muslim Brotherhood. Even though Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood remained linked by there pro Islamic ideology, the Muslim Brotherhood was considered a non-violent organization. Hamas on the other hand made no qualms about a violent jihad against Israel. Countries like Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Jordan, Egypt and Saudia Arabia have all supported Hamas in one way or another. Syria allows Hamas leadership and Hamas headquarters to beShow MoreRelatedEssay on Terrorism and the Economy1486 Words à |à 6 PagesMany investigations and research have been done in an effort to discover and defend against terrorism. Through my research I have discovered a plethora of literature that confirms this notion. This review will focus primarily on two different aspects that work coherently to frame the big picture of our nationââ¬â¢s Achillesââ¬â¢ heel, better known as the southwestern border. These two aspects are: Muslim extremist targeted recruits and how the United States economy is intertwined. 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